Girls Allowed: Women & Testosterone

Girls Allowed: Women & Testosterone

Testosterone is crucial to over 200 functions in a female body.

tl; dr ... Short and to the Point
Who is this article aimed at?
Women who want to stay feeling healthy, happy and horny for as long as possible and are interested in how safely maximizing their body's testosterone can help them do that.
I am busy - summarize it for me

Despite it's name being the male hormone, women have testosterone too. Though they don't have as much, it's still important to their quality of life. and by taking steps to safely increase their natural supply, they can gain many of the benefits men do. Read on to find out more.

How Can Healthy Testosterone Levels Benefit Women?

Women and testosterone probably aren’t two things you put together. With a name like the male sex hormone, you’d be forgiven for thinking that only men produce or need it.

Even we’re guilty of addressing most of our articles and reviews to guys. But for girls to dismiss T altogether would be a mistake.

In actual fact, women also create T, and although ovaries make far less than testicles, it’s still crucial for over 200 functions in a female body. Just as with guys though, the amounts of the hormone begin to drop as a woman ages, which can cause her problems just like it does men.

So for the rest of this article it’s officially lady’s night here at Testosterone Resource, as we look at the potential benefits T holds for the fairer sex.

Why Women Need Testosterone

Though women produce much less testosterone than men – 15 to 70ng/dL compared with 300 to 1000ng/dL – you might be surprised to learn that before the menopause, females produce 3 times as much T as they do estrogen. This gives you some idea of how much the body relies on it.

Levels of testosterone within the healthy range can bring women all the benefits associated with a good supply – improved fat burning, higher energy, better athleticism and boosted mood – but it also helps with some pretty female specific issues. For example it plays a role in regulating ovulation.

A 2014 study also reported that higher T in women could improve fertility and raise the chances of success in treatments such as IVF. The authors concluded there findings were:

“further demonstrating the critical role that androgens play in follicular development and fertility. These data may explain reported positive effects of androgens on ovulation rates in women with diminished ovarian reserve.”

Of course one of the things the so-called male hormone is most famous for is fueling libido , and girls are no different.  Levels influence how often a woman feels the urge to have sex, how much she enjoys it when she does, as well as the frequency and intensity of her orgasms.

Pretty important to quality of life then.  That’s what can make the natural decline so difficult.

Can Supplementing Testosterone Help?

It can if you ask actress Jane Fonda, who credited the hormone with giving her the same sexual appetite in her 60s as she had in the 60s. She told British newspaper the Daily Mail:

“Here’s something I haven’t said publicly yet: I discovered testosterone about three years ago, which makes a huge difference if you want to remain sexual and your libido has dropped.”

Don’t just take Jane’s word for it though. Another 2014 study published in the journal ‘Menopause’ found that in women with low testosterone who had previously had a hysterectomy, giving testosterone caused a number of improvements. Subjects not only saw their libido rise, but also lean muscle levels and overall aerobic power.

What About Side Effects?

So yes it can help, but you have to be careful how you do it.

Some women are understandably a little reluctant to up their T. They feel the benefit it would bring is probably not worth the goatee that might come with that.

While is true that raising testosterone can cause problems, as with men, these only occur if you go above your bodies organic limit. Too much T in women can cause side effects such as oily skin, acne, deepening voice or unwanted hair growth.

This is why testosterone therapy is not advised for women, unless prescribed by a doctor. We don’t know the long term effects for men or women yet. So the best thing to do is to try and support your own natural T levels from within, to get you back with the aim of getting back to your own personal peak.

What’s The Answer?

Women can safely raise their testosterone in a number of ways.  These include

  • Upping vitamin D, zinc, and magnesium
  • Cutting down on alcohol
  • Keeping sexually active
  • Getting enough rest
  • Increase fats for cholesterol
  • Avoid the contraceptive pills

You can read more about why these are positive changes here.

What About Natural Boosters?

Natural supplements are a safe to give your T a boost without risking the side effects associated with gels and patches.

Because these products use all-natural ingredients, they are only giving your system what it requires to create more of its own inbuilt testosterone.

A good booster will gently encourage an increase in your body’s own supplies rather than topping hormones up artificially. This avoids the chance of going through safe levels which results in side effects.

Any reputable brand of natural testosterone booster should be suitable for women, unless it specifically says otherwise.

One thing we would recommend when choosing a booster is to look for one  which has premium ingredients, but is not too heavy on estrogen blockers.  In your case it remains an important hormone. We would suggest Testofuel, which you can see reviewed here


So there you have it.  Provided you’re sensible about it, there’s no reason why the peak T has to be just a boys club.

  1. Sen A, Prizant H, Light A, Biswas A, Hayes E, Lee HJ, Barad D, Gleicher N, Hammes SR. Androgens regulate ovarian follicular development by increasing follicle stimulating hormone receptor and microRNA-125b expression. Department of Medicine, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester, NY
  2. Huang, G et al. Testosterone dose-response relationships in hysterectomized women with or without oophorectomy: effects on sexual function, body composition, muscle performance and physical function in a randomized trial Menopause (2014)
tl; dr ... Short and to the Point
Who is this article aimed at?
Women who want to stay feeling healthy, happy and horny for as long as possible and are interested in how safely maximizing their body's testosterone can help them do that.
I am busy - summarize it for me

Despite it's name being the male hormone, women have testosterone too. Though they don't have as much, it's still important to their quality of life. and by taking steps to safely increase their natural supply, they can gain many of the benefits men do. Read on to find out more.