All information provided on this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace professional advice. The information given on this site should not be considered as medical diagnosis, nor is it intended to treat.
We do not make any warranties, representations, or health claims regarding supplements and health care practices mentioned on this site.
Always read the label carefully on any product you buy – not just supplements! The statements made on this site have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
Workout Guides & Posts on Exercises
You should be in good physical condition before embarking on any workout program, and we recommend you consult with a physician to ensure you are physically capable of undertaking one.
All exercise programs will carry some degree of risk, if you choose to engage in any activity which is discussed in this site then you do so at your own risk. You assume all risk of injury yourself and agree to release and discharge from any and all claims of cause of action, known or unknown, whether due to negligence or not. We disclaim all liability for incidental or consequential damages.
You agree to indemnify and hold harmless, it’s officers, writers, employees, directors and agents against any loss, liability, cost or expense.
If you are not happy indemnifying us from all liability for anything written in this site then please feel free to leave now (and don’t come back).
Affiliate Disclosure
This site contains some affiliate links. What are affiliate links? They are links to products on other websites, we will receive a commission if you follow them and buy the product. It does not mean you pay a higher price, you pay exactly the same price – all it means is that we get to cover some of our costs running this site!
Our links are for a few independent programs for products we really rate, and you’ll see lots of Amazon links in the site. They are affiliate links too. The affiliate links tend to be for supplements, gym clothing, weights/gym equipment, and workout guides.
Now, here is something worth noting about our affiliate links
We like to sleep well at night. We have affiliate links on products sold by companies we are comfortable with.
We sometimes get companies who we’ve given a really bad review to (think dodgy shipping scams, rebilling, no way to cancel etc etc) approaching us and offering affiliate money for us to change our tune.
Do we do it? – like hell we do!!. Sadly many, MANY others in the industry let themselves get bought off.
So ultimately, we only have affiliate links for decent companies and programs.