Young men researching whether they may be experiencing symptoms of Low T.
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Young men in their twenties experiencing symptoms of low testosterone. Among the individuals screened in 2014-15, 10% in the age group of 20 to 30 years were found to be suffering from the condition. In 30 to 40 years age bracket, a total of 12% had low testosterone levels
Wasted Youth: Are Rising Numbers Of Young Men Experiencing Low T?
Given it’s widely known that beyond a certain age male hormone levels begin to gradually decrease in men, it’s natural that those of us in our late 30s, 40s and 50s would start viewing the next generation of young bucks with a degree of envy.
All that energy, strength, stamina and sex drive, with testosterone to spare, who wouldn’t?
Well as it turns out, the guys we thought were in their prime might well be in exactly the same boat as you, maybe even a slightly less impressive boat. According to an article published in the Times of India, reports of low testosterone in twentysomething men are on the rise.
“An analysis of our laboratory-based data shows that quite a few young adults in the city are suffering from low testosterone levels,”
reports pathologist Awanti Golwilkar Mehendale of Golwilkar Metropolis. “Among the individuals screened in 2014-15, 10% in the age group of 20 to 30 years were found to be suffering from the condition. In 30 to 40 years age bracket, a total of 12% had low testosterone levels,”
The perceived rise of early onset low T has been blamed on a wide range of factors including, sleep deprivation, obesity, increased alcohol consumption, smoking and the stress of modern life generally.
A G Unnikrishnan, endocrinologist at the Chellaram Diabetes Institute said on the issue,
“Testosterone levels drop with age and is not usually associated with youngsters. Therefore, it is imperative for a comprehensive study to find out the prevalence of low T in young adults.”
Rather than there being some key biological difference between this generation and one’s past however, some have suggested that an upturn in men seeking help earlier is down to an increased awareness of what they may be experiencing.
It’s only in recent years the health consequences of low testosterone have been fully appreciated and so widely publicized, so whereas guys may have previously and embarrassed to reach out over issues such as, fatigue, loss of libido, erectile dysfunction and infertility, they now suspect the cause and are keen to rectify it.
According to Consultant endocrinologist Sanjeev Bakshi of Columbia Asia Hospital, “There has been a steady rise in cases where young men come to us complaining about low testosterone levels. It is a serious concern now.
They primarily come with complaints like less facial hair and lack of muscle development.” He continues, “At a later stage, they approach us with problems of low libido and erectile dysfunction.”
Although it will take more than anecdotal evidence from those on the front line to determine whether there is a serious problem with low T striking men younger, it does highlight that we can’t just take it for granted our hormones will be on cruise control until a certain point.
It’s never too early for guys to take steps towards maintaining optimum balance. Getting plenty of exercise and rest, being aware of what and what not to eat, finding a good quality natural supplement are all safe hassle free ways to ensure that the once inevitable age related drop in testosterone never has to start.
tl; dr ... Short and to the Point
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Young men researching whether they may be experiencing symptoms of Low T.
I am busy - summarize it for me
Young men in their twenties experiencing symptoms of low testosterone. Among the individuals screened in 2014-15, 10% in the age group of 20 to 30 years were found to be suffering from the condition. In 30 to 40 years age bracket, a total of 12% had low testosterone levels